Creating loyal members for the fitness industry

Since 2012 we have successfully supported the fitness industry with optimizing retention and creating loyal members.


lower dropout rate


average opening rate




fitness studios

Automated customer journeys

The key to succeeding with loyal members is to have a personified customer journeys aligned with you brand.


With NG Dialogue, you can automate anything.

  • Welcome information
  • Birthday greetings
  • Bookings
  • Feedback
  • Training encurgement
  • Offers
  • Renewals

Move from boring transactional emails & sms to engaging och converting conversations aligned with your brand identity

Get feedback that matters

With a powerful survey function, you can easeally ask for feedback along the way in the customer journey. After signup, a visit, a class, 6 month, PT session. And many more.

Giving you realtime valuable insights in member experience to evaluate and take action on for improving your business.

Trusted by top fitness brands

How we got a conversion rate of 2900% by using NG Dialogue.

A campaign for Campushallen, in which they sent out an offer via SMS to their customers, yielded an impressive result with a return on investment (ROI) of 2900%. This shows how effective SMS can be as a marketing channel, especially when it comes to reaching a target audience and eliciting a quick and direct response.

Results of the campaign:

turning blah blah into aha!

Join the revolution together with industry leaders.


1h workshop analyzing your email, sms and feedback game!*

*limited numbers of slots available